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Quickstart with React

Concise. Get started with Dojo in minutes.

This assumes knowledge of React and the Dojo CLI.


  1. Create project
npx @dojoengine/create-dojo start -t example-vite-react-sdk
  1. Setup client
cd client
pnpm i
pnpm dev

Visit http://localhost:5173 to view the project. It will not be connected to the network yet.

  1. Setup contracts
# In contracts directory
sozo build
# In new terminal
katana --disable-fee --allowed-origins "*"
  1. Connect to the development network and indexer
# In new terminal
sozo migrate
  1. Return to the client and refresh the page. You should now see the project connected to the network and indexed!

Next Steps

This should have given you a good starting point to build your first application with Dojo. Here are some next steps to take: